报告人:辛周平 教授 (香港中文大学)
报告时间:2021年6月23日 周三 上午 10:00 – 11:00
腾讯会议:628 246 668
报告题目:On Courant-Friedrich's Transonic Shock Problem in Curved Nozzles
In this talk, I will discuss some progress on Courant-Friedrich's transonic shock problem for the steady compressible flows in nozzles with variable cross sections. This will be a nonlinear free boundary value problem with nonlinear boundary conditions for mixed typed equations. First, I will review some results on the structural stability of Courant-Friedrich's transonic shock solutions for a general class of general 2-dimensional nozzles which are generic small perturbations of straight expanding nozzles. Then I will discuss the transonic shock problems for nozzles which are generic small perturbations of a 2-dimensional flat nozzle so that the position of the normal shock is arbitrary. Existence of single or multiple transonic shocks will be discussed in terms of the geometry of the nozzle and the given exit pressure based on an elaborately designed linear free boundary value problem. Finally, some generalizations to 3D axisymmetric nozzles will be presented. Some ideas of analysis will be presented.